你好,I'm shao-ming or ming! i'm 18 & my birthday is 2006, jan 15! i'm very talkative, sleepy, and hyper all at the same time. taken<3
LOVEY red, eatting, resting, music, summer, cooking
HATES winter, dirty orange, kids, loud music, doing nothing

Now Playing ▷ All Night by Bree Runway Now Playing ▷ All Night by


i'm very hyper, but also very stubborn, i tend to take a while to reply sometimes, i do not like opening up about anything unless begged to do so


raciest, pedo, zoo, narcist, homo/transphobic, lolicon/shotacon supporters, ablesist/classists, -14/30+, body shammer, abusive, homophobic christin

languages: english, chinese, poor spanish. | demiboy/bisexual !! nicks: ming, mingming, mingbee, miangming, shao, shao-shei, shaoshao

:(my interests) • updatedd 23:01, 2024/01/21
my belovedenhypen ateez ikon semisblackpink bts taemin
my belovedtinashe doja cat iyla quin queen herby tove lo

top pics (my top 4)

interests • books, sword fight ing, making friends, singing, dancing
interests • nature, photo taking, sgi, painting

ultswayv boys world nct
ultsdouina bree runway
ultskehlina salem ilese